CH03 Glenelg Repeater Interference

Our lovely Motorola Quantar repeater has recently been plagued with interference, causing many issues for our local users.

The dreaded “quantar howl’ and de-sensing of the receiving unit wreaking all sorts of havoc.

Spectrum analysis from the site shows there is a signal been generated in very close proximity of the repeater equipment.

This signal comes, gets stronger, hangs about for a while, then disappears.

We are, at this stage unable to pin point exactly where it is coming from. unknown if it is within the building complex that houses CH3 repeater or from across the street.

More time is needed to find the source of the interference, unfortunately our volunteer has little time to offer 🙁

In the interim, additional filtering on the receiver has been installed to minimize the interference.

We have also relocated the repeater equipment away from any other electrical systems in the are, as well as shorted the antenna feed line by approximately 4 meters.

This has temporary fixed the issue, but at the same time some weaker stations are unable to access the Ch3 repeater.

We hope to have this resolved as soon as possible when we have more time to conduct proper spectrum analysis and track down the source of the noise.

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